Possible malfunctions of a steering and ways of their elimination
Cause of defect
Way of elimination
The increased corner of a free wheeling of a steering wheel
The increased backlash in gearing of pair a nut-sector
To adjust gearing of pair a nut-sector
Backlash occurrence in screw bearings
To adjust the screw bearing
Excessive deterioration of a detail of hinges of draughts and their fastening
To replace the worn out details
Raised люфт naves of wheels
To adjust a backlash in bearings of naves of wheels
Easing of wedges of fastening of plugs and a fastening nut сошки
To tighten the weakened nuts
Jamming, scratches or clicks in the steering mechanism
Excessive deterioration of the screw or shaft-sector, выкрашивания or dents on their surface
To replace the screw-nut or a shaft-sector
Weak fixing of a steering column
Easing of the mechanism of fixing of a column
To adjust the mechanism of fixing of a column
The raised effort of turn of a steering wheel (<a heavy wheel>)
Teases of plugs шкворня
To replace plugs and шкворень
Проворачивание plugs шкворня in fist lugs
To replace plugs and шкворень
Pollution of the basic bearing шкворня (at turn of wheels the scratch in the basic bearing is audible)
To wash out the basic bearing through a press butterdish a mix from 50 % of kerosene and 50 % трансмиссионного oils. To grease the basic bearing through a press butterdish before occurrence of greasing from under a sealant
Leak of greasing from the steering mechanism
Deterioration or loss of elasticity of an epiploon and consolidations of the steering mechanism
To replace worn out an epiploon and sealing rubber rings
Люфт a steering column
Axial moving of a shaft of a steering wheel concerning casings
To replace the worn out plugs of bearings of a shaft of a steering column